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The best care comes from the best caregivers.

Dependable in-home senior care from dependable caregivers in Las Cruces, Alamogordo, and nearby areas in NM

At CareCo, our caregivers are our company’s most valuable asset. They provide a touch of kindness, wisdom, and understanding to every home they visit by living out our core values of honesty, dedication, and compassion. They are steadfast in their commitment to meeting the unique needs of seniors in Las Cruces, Alamogordo, Anthony, and the neighboring areas of New Mexico via personalized in-home senior care that prioritizes their comfort, dignity, and independence. Behind their skills are the qualities that set them apart: genuine friendliness and the capacity to build lasting connections.

From assisting with everyday tasks to offering companionship and emotional support, our caregivers go above and beyond to enhance our clients’ lives. They are the unsung heroes who make a difference in the lives of the individuals they serve, and we are really lucky to have them as part of our team of senior care professionals!

Our caregivers make the difference

Compassionate hearts

Our caregivers offer both physical and emotional care.

Personalized care

Tailoring their approach to individual needs.

Professional expertise

Trained & skilled, our caregivers maintain professionalism.

Trusted companions

Building meaningful relationships and providing security.

Start care in 4 easy steps!


Contact us

Reach out via phone, email, or online form to discuss your care needs or challenges.


Free consultation

Our local team will promptly respond and schedule a free in-home consultation to assess your specific requirements and preferences.


Personalized care plan

Based on the consultation, we'll create a personalized care plan tailored to your routine and expectations.


Care & Support

We will begin care based on your personalized care plan, you will meet our compassionate caregivers, and our dedicated team is available around the clock to provide ongoing support.

Join our senior care team in Las Cruces, NM today!

At CareCo, we’re committed to helping the elderly in Las Cruces, Alamogordo, Anthony, and the surrounding regions of New Mexico live independently for as long as possible. We are always on the lookout for passionate senior care professionals who are just as committed to making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. No matter where you are in the career path of a caregiver, we provide opportunities for personal and professional growth.