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What does

24/7 care

look like?

Exactly how it sounds. We know that care does not always take place in a typical 8A-5P time frame. We are here for you early in the morning and late into the night. Our agency provides care 24/7 including days, nights, weekends, and holidays. A local on-call manager will also be available 24/7 should you have questions or concerns.

Benefits of

24/7 care

Flexible Scheduling

As needs change, our services and schedules around care can adapt to help serve you in the best possible way. Whether you need 2 hours in the evening or only weekend care, we can help!

Peace of Mind

We hope to provide peace of mind to our clients and their families by providing services at any time of the day. It might not be possible to swing by your loved one’s house before work to make sure they have taken their medications. That is where we step in!

Independence and Autonomy

We want to encourage our client’s to stay as independent as possible. Someone requiring 24/7 care may only have an alternative option of going to a nursing home.

Promoting overall health and wellness

Studies have shown that people who stay in their homes longer actually live longer and have a higher sense of physical and emotional well-being. We hope to help that statistic ring true and want to help you live independently as long as you can.

The CareCo way

CareCo understands that no two individuals are the same. We tailor our services to fit your specific needs. Having access to care around the clock coupled with a local support staff that can be reached 24/7 is what sets us apart.

Practical Care

Below are some examples of the assistance provided in our

24/7 care


Personal Care

Our personal care services can include bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, incontinence care and mobility assistance are available at any given time according to the care plan schedule.

Homemaker Services

Our caregivers can provide meal preparation and planning, medication reminders, companionship, and transportation are available at any given time according to the care plan schedule.

Overnight Care

We can provide full overnight coverage for clients that might need assistance in the middle of the night, whether it’s mobility assistance to and from the restroom, changing or turning in the middle of the night, or medication reminders needed around the clock.

Weekend Care

We can provide care over weekends as needed or ongoing and our office staff is available by phone as circumstances arise.

Care on Holidays

We provide care 24 hours per day 356 days a year including all major holidays if you or your loved one needs support.

24/7 On Call Support

We do not use an on call answering service. If you call our office you will be able to speak with one of our local on call managers that you would normally speak with during the week. These managers are familiar with your care needs and specific schedule and can be reached at any time of the day.

Care Services we provide